313 York Street Savannah Ga. 31401



Specializing in Social Security Claims and Litigation

Don Ramsey Law

Don Ramsey

Welcome to Don Ramsey Law, your experts for social security benefit claims.

Originally from North Carolina, Don Ramsey has practiced law in Savannah since 1983 with the firm formerly known as Lasky Cooper Law. In early 2023 Lasky Cooper Law dissolved and Mr. Ramsey relocated to the Brooks Law Firm at 313 W. York Street here in Savannah.

Mr. Ramsey also represents Veterans for any of their legal needs, himself having served in the U.S. Air Force and Georgia Air National Guard for 6 years. Mr. Ramsey represents injured workers in Workers Compensation cases as well as other types of injury and wrongful death cases.

Deborah Riner

Legal Assistant to Mr. Ramsey is Ms. Deborah Riner. In addition to assisting Mr. Ramsey she is also responsible as Office Manager and Consultant and certified Public Notary.

Notary Services are now available
